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Ultra High-Speed Wireless Communication Technology will be Applied in the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High-Speed Rail

EUHT technology from Nufront was successfully demonstrated on the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity High-Speed Rail on August 4th.  The test results show that technical performance indicators of EUHT system from Nufront has reached the world’s leading position. In the case of high-speed movement of 300km/h, the handover success rate is 100%, the average communication delay is 5ms, and the average transmission bandwidth is up to 150Mbps. These technical indicators exceed 4G technology by more than 10 times, and meet the performance requirements of the next generation 5G technology.


The general engineer of this technology, Di Shiping said, EUHT technology can improve the experience of surfing on the Internet. It also plays an important role in the aspects of train dispatch and operation security. In addition, EUHT technology is independently developed by Nufront. Besides lower cost, it can also be modified according to different application projects with great flexibility.


What’s more, this technology has been adopted by 3 metro lines in Guangzhou Metro.



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